CALL FOR PAPERS LAGOS'15 - VIII Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (poster)
Praia das Fontes, Beberibe, Brazil
May 11-15, 2015 -
About the conference
LAGOS (the Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs, and Optimization Symposium), is the merging of two Latin-American Conferences on these subjects: GRACO (Brazilian
Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms, and Combinatorics) and LACGA (Latin-American Conference on Combinatorics, Graphs, and Applications). The previous editions were
held in Fortaleza, Brazil (GRACO 2001), Santiago, Chile (LAGCA
2004), Angra dos Reis, Brazil (GRACO 2005), Puerto Varas, Chile (LAGOS 2007), Gramado, Brazil (LAGOS 2009), Bariloche, Argentina (LAGOS 2011), and Playa del Carmen, Mexico (LAGOS 2013).
Important dates
- Submissions deadline:
November 10, 2014November 25, 2014 (23h59 GMT) - Notification of acceptance/rejection: February 03, 2015
- Registration openning: February 06, 2015
- Conference dates: May 11-15, 2015
Conference themes
Themes include, but are not limited to, the following AMS classifications:
Algorithms: analysis of algorithms; approximation algorithms; randomized algorithms; computational geometry.
Operations Research and Mathematical Programming: combinatorial optimization; integer programming; polyhedral combinatorics; operations research and management science.
Graph Theory: cliques, dominating and independent sets; coloring of graphs and hypergraphs; covering and packing, factorization, matching; digraphs, tournaments; graph algorithms; graphs and matrices; hypergraphs; perfect graphs; random graphs; structural characterization of types of graphs.
Applications: mathematical programming, combinatorial optimization, continuous optimization, heuristics, and metaheuristics, applied to real-world problems.
LAGOS Steering Committee
- Guilermo Durán (UBA, Argentina)
- Celina Herrera de Figueiredo (UFRJ, Brazil)
- Thomas Liebling (EPFL, Switzerland)
- Jayme Luiz Szwarcfiter (UFRJ, Brazil)
Invited speakers
- Béla Bollobás (Cambridge Univertsity, England, and Memphis University, USA)
- Gerard Cornuejols (Carnegie Mellon, USA)
- Frédéric Havet (CNRS, INRIA, France)
- Sulamita Klein (UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- Frédéric Maffray (G-SCOP, France)
- Miguel Pizaña (UAM, Mexico)
- Bruce Reed (McGill University, Canada)
- Ola Svensson (EPFL, Switzerland)
Instructions for Submissions
Extended abstracts. Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract in English (up to 6 pages), containing original research results. The
authors are fully responsible of convincing the referees of the correctness and interest of their results using only those six pages. Authors can add an optional
appendix with proofs, sketches of proofs, or additional material. If included, the appendix will be read at the discretion of the Scientific Committee and it is
expected that it will only be used to reach a decision for very unusual cases. The appendix has no page limit, and since it will not be published, it cannot be
referenced in the extended abstract. Submission of a paper implies that the work described has not been previously published (except in the form of a short
abstract or as part of a lecture or academic thesis), that it is not simultaneously submitted elsewhere, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere
in the same form. A special volume of Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (ENDM) will be dedicated to accepted extended abstracts. The extended abstracts
must comply with the ENDM LaTeX style and are limited to 6 pages, including the front matter, text, and references. Instructions for submission preparation may
be obtained in the ENDM web page ( Once prepared, the paper should be
submitted by means of the Easy Chair system (
Posters. Submissions of posters on all areas related to the symposium are also solicited. Posters must also be submitted for review in the form
of an extended abstract formatted in the ENDM style (, and must not exceed
2 pages in length. Posters should also be submitted via the Easy Chair System ( Accepted
posters will NOT appear in the ENDM special volume, but they will appear in the symposium's booklet. Posters will be presented at the symposium in a separate session.
Following the tradition of LAGOS, a special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics will be prepared after LAGOS'15. All authors of accepted papers at the symposium are invited to contribute to this special volume. The topics should relate to the central themes of the symposium, but are not necessarily restricted to the presentations at LAGOS'15. All articles will be refereed according to the standards of Discrete Applied Mathematics.
Scientific Committee
- Flavia Bonomo (UBA, Argentina)
- Luciana Buriol (UFRGS, Brazil)
- Manoel Campêlo (UFC, Brazil) (co-chair)
- Ricardo Corrêa (UFC, Brazil) (co-chair)
- Mitre Dourado (UFRJ, Brazil)
- Daniel Espinoza (Univ. Chile, Chile)
- Luérbio Faria (UERJ, Brazil)
- Carlos Ferreira (USP, Brazil)
- Sylvain Gravier (Univ. Joseph Fourier, France)
- Marisa Gutiérrez (UNLP, Argentina)
- Carlos Hoppen (UFRGS, Brazil)
- Marcos Kiwi (Univ. Chile, Chile)
- Yoshiharu Kohayakawa (USP, Brazil)
- Min Chih Lin (UBA, Argentina)
- Vadim Lozin (Univ. Warwick, England)
- Javier Marenco (UNGS, Argentina)
- Daniel Martin (UFABC, Brazil)
- Martín Matamala (Univ. Chile, Chile)
- Ross McConnell (Colorado State Univ., USA)
- Rob Morris (IMPA, Brazil)
- Nicolas Nisse (CNRS/INRIA, France)
- Daniel Panario (Carleton Univ. Canada)
- Fábio Protti (UFF, Brazil)
- Ivan Rapaport (Univ. Chile, Chile)
- Dieter Rautenbach (Universität Ulm, Germany)
- Cláudia Sales (UFC, Brazil) (co-chair)
- Rudini Sampaio (UFC, Brazil) (co-chair)
- Mario Valencia-Pabon (Univ. Paris 13, France)
- Alfredo Viola (Univ. Republica, Uruguay)
- Annegret Wagler (Université Blaise Pascal, France)
- Yoshiko Wakabayashi (USP, Brazil)