School on Combinatorics and Algorithms
Selected full papers from the Symposium will appear
as a special issue of Discrete Applied Mathematics. The Guest Editors of this special issue are Bruce Reed, Siang Song and Jayme Szwarcfiter.
Full Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit a manuscript, written in
English, in the format required to Discrete Applied Mathematics.
The submissions will be subject to the usual rigorous refereeing
process of this journal. The cover
page of the manuscript must contain the authors' full names, addresses,
fax numbers, e-mail addresses and keywords. The postscript file of the manuscript should
be sent to symp2001@lia.ufc.br
and to grafos@cos.ufrj.br by
June 30, 2001.
Acknowledgement of the Submission
An acknowledgement that the submissions has been received
will be sent to all authors, by e-mail. In case this
is not received by an author, he should contact the Guest
by sending an e-mail to symp2001@lia.ufc.br.
Authors will be sent notification of acceptance or rejection by